Online Safety at School

Online safety is always ongoing in our teaching. A large proportion is covered in not only digital learning lessons but also PSHE and through our RSHE curriculum. Below is what is taught in Digital Learning in the Prep School, along with some useful parent links.


In Digital Learning the children are introduced to the uses of Chromebooks. They learn about the internet and how it can be used in the classroom. They visit safe websites through Google Classroom and begin to understand general chromebook etiquette.

Year 3

Year 3 used Interland intermittently throughout the year to identify ways to stay safe online. Using their internaut they learn how to respect others online and know that some content online belongs to people.

Year 4

At the end of the winter term, Y4 learn about communicating with others online as they are introduced to their Gmail. They learn about who to tell if something online is worrying and what they should do about it. Their Gmail addresses are only for internal use and will not send or receive emails from external addresses. They are monitored in the normal school way. They use as the focus of their learning

Year 5

In the winter term Y5 learn about the importance of privacy settings and can evaluate which settings are most appropriate.

They also learn how to be good citizen online and articulate what good behaviour online looks like.

The focus for their work is on Common Sense Media's Digital Passport

Year 6

As Year 6 make the transition to a more independent stage with the move to secondary school, they become more confident internet users with more varied habits. Internet use can be hugely positive for children, but it’s vital to continue discussing online safety with them. In the Spring Term theyY6 learn about the ‘report’ and ‘flag’ buttons in common sites and explain where to go for help. They will also discuss scenarios that involve online risks and act as a role model to younger children